Clucking Things


Chickens will provide the basis for the education on animal care and responsibility as well as provide a great source of protein through their eggs and meat supply.  Hens can produce up to 200 eggs each year, giving a constant healthy food source for Son of Africa.  Our boys at Son of Africa will get to experience and learn the care and feeding of young chickens, the collection of eggs as well as market skills once the chickens have reached mature age.  Your donation of chickens is very beneficial in many ways.

Your donation of chickens will provide the basis for the education on animal care and responsibility as well as provide a great source of protein through their eggs and meat supply.  Hens can produce up to 200 eggs each year, giving a constant healthy food source for Son of Africa   3 CHICKENS  $20.00  Click here to see details about your donation during our construction stage.